Programs and Services Planned for Review

Explore the working list of the next programs and services planned for systematic review

The following programs and services were identified and prioritized using the Clearinghouse’s Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 1.0. Particular consideration was given to programs and services recommended by State or local government administrators; rated by other clearinghouses (such as CEBC or HomVEE); recommended by federal partners; and/or evaluated as part of grants supported by the Children’s Bureau (such as the Title IV-E Child Welfare Demonstrations or Regional Partnership Grants).

This working list may be changed in accordance with the Clearinghouse’s Handbook of Standards and Procedures and as needed to support implementation of the Title IV-E Prevention Program.

Bold indicates new programs and services added to the working list.

sorted by A-Z

Program or Service areas Read definitions of the program or service areas
Program or Service Name Mental Health Substance Abuse In-Home Parent Skill-based Kinship Navigator
1-2-3 Magic
24/7 Dad
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
ACT Raising Safe Kids
Attachment, Self-Regulation and Competency
Creating Lasting Family Connections
Family Group Decision Making
Indiana Family Preservation Services
Keeping Foster and Kin Parents Supported and Trained
Kentucky Family Preservation Program
Kentucky Strengthening Ties and Empowering Parents
Kinship Interdisciplinary Navigation Technologically-Advanced Model (Re-Review)
Modular Approach to Therapy for Children with Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems
Nurturing Families
Nurturing Skills for Families
Ohio Kinship and Adoption Navigator Program
Period of PURPLE Crying
Project Venture
Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Systematic Training for Effective Parenting
Trauma Recovery and Empowerment Model
Washington State Kinship Navigator Program (Re-Review)

Note: The working list of the next programs and services planned for systematic review is based on preliminary information and is subject to change as additional information is obtained during the review process. If there are multiple formal adaptations of a program or service, the Clearinghouse may select one adaptation for review. This is intended to maximize the number of different programs and services reviewed. The Clearinghouse aims to review and rate as many programs and services as quickly as possible and will continue to release ratings for programs and services on a rolling basis.