The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse was established by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to conduct an objective and transparent review of research on programs and services intended to provide enhanced support to children and families and prevent foster care placements. The Clearinghouse, developed in accordance with the Family First Prevention Services Act as codified in Title IV-E of the Social Security Act, reviews evidence on mental health, substance use, in-home parent skill-based, and kinship navigator programs and services. The Clearinghouse rates eligible programs and services as well-supported, supported, promising, or does not currently meet criteria. Join the Clearinghouse email list to be notified of updates!
Please submit program and service recommendations!
The Title IV-E Prevention Services Clearinghouse requests recommendations for mental health, substance use, in-home parent skill-based, and kinship navigator programs and services to be considered for systematic review. This call is an opportunity for the Clearinghouse to actively engage the public and solicit recommendations for new programs and services for systematic review. However, recommendations can be submitted via email at any time. The only information needed to make a recommendation is the name of the program or service.
Submission Deadline: November 21, 2024
Or send submissions to
This call aims to solicit recommendations for eligible programs and services that the Clearinghouse has not previously reviewed.1 Additional public calls for recommendations will occur on at least an annual basis but recommendations can also be submitted at any time.
The Clearinghouse has retained all past recommendations for programs and services. This includes responses to all prior Federal Register Notices, prior public calls, and ad hoc submissions. The Clearinghouse will continue to retain recommendations received for consideration in future review cycles.
To be eligible for review, programs and services must:
- Address at least one of the four program or service areas: (1) mental health prevention and treatment programs or services, (2) substance use prevention and treatment programs or services, (3) in-home parent skill-based programs or services, and/or (4) kinship navigator programs.
- Have an available book, manual, or other documentation: Programs and services must be clearly defined and replicable. To meet this criterion, they must have available written or recorded books, manuals, or other documentation that specifies the components of the practice and describes how to implement or administer the practice. There must be affirmative, documented evidence that the materials that satisfy this requirement exist and are available to the public to download, request, or purchase; materials may be presented in a web-based format.
We are particularly interested in recommendations for programs and services that are relevant to supporting underserved communities, including recommendations from community-based organizations and providers of culturally grounded or adapted programs and services.
To learn about the Clearinghouse’s standards and procedures, including further detail about program or service eligibility and program or service prioritization, see Section 2.2 of the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0.
Information to Include in your submission
Recommendations should be sent to All submitters will receive acknowledgment of their submission’s receipt. Due to the large volume of submissions, the Prevention Services Clearinghouse is not able to inform individual submitters when the program or service may be prioritized for review.
The deadline for submission is November 21, 2024.
Only Information Needed
- Name of the program or service you are recommending: Some programs or services have changed names over time or are known by multiple names. If you are aware of multiple names, please list them.
Optional Information
Additional information is optional but is helpful to include to support the review process.
- Version or adaptation of program or service (optional): If multiple versions or adaptations are available, please specify which you are recommending for review.
- Program or service contact information (optional): If available, also include contact information for the program or service developer, which may include the official program or service website, the organizational email address, and/or a contact phone number.
- Program or service area(s) addressed (optional): Specify: [1] mental health prevention and treatment programs or services, [2] substance use prevention and treatment programs or services, [3] in-home parent skill-based programs or services, and/or [4] kinship navigator programs.
- Citation(s) for available books, manuals, or other documentation (optional): Programs and services reviewed by the Clearinghouse must be clearly defined and replicable. Programs and services must have available written or recorded books, manuals, or other documentation that specify the components of the practice and describe how to implement or administer the practice. Please provide a citation with the title, author, date, and publisher for such materials.
- Indicate how the program or service manual(s) can be accessed (optional): If the manual is available to the public (for free or for purchase), please provide a link to the website where individuals may download, request, or purchase the manual. The purpose of this request is to ensure that Clearinghouse staff understand the program as it is designed to be delivered. Any materials included with a nomination will not be made public or re-distributed.
- Information about the child welfare relevance of the recommended program or service (optional). Evidence that the program or service is designed for, or is commonly used to serve, children, youth, young adults, and/or families receiving child welfare services (or populations similar to those receiving child welfare services or at-risk for receiving child welfare services) is considered.
- Information about the population(s) served for the recommended program or service (optional). The Prevention Services Clearinghouse records the populations the program or service is intended to serve and considers the particular needs of populations served across programs and services reviewed. Examples of population characteristics that may indicate particular need include status as an underserved community, tribal groups and nations, and needs associated with parent/caregiver or child age. Other considerations related to populations served may include the presence of culturally grounded or adapted programs and services, culturally adapted program or service content, program adaptations for different populations or age groups, studies conducted with diverse or underserved populations, and other information relevant to this criterion submitted to the Prevention Services Clearinghouse (e.g., via program or service recommendations, periodic engagement sessions, or other means).
- Information about available implementation supports for the recommended program or service (optional). The Prevention Services Clearinghouse prioritizes programs and services for which there are implementation supports, including (but not limited to) implementation manuals or frameworks, fidelity checklists or other fidelity-monitoring tools (such as regular site supervision meetings or regular submission of video-taped therapist sessions for quality monitoring), videos, training programs, coaching programs, or any similar resources available for potential program or service adopters. To meet this criterion, there must be affirmative, documented evidence that such supports are available to the public, either at no cost or for purchase.
For more information about how the Prevention Services Clearinghouse prioritizes and selects programs and services for review, see Section 2.2 of the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0.
Submissions May Include Eligible Studies
The Prevention Services Clearinghouse conducts a comprehensive literature search for each program or service prioritized for review but welcomes the submission of citations for studies and/or copies of studies or other supporting documentation (e.g., lists of published research). Any materials included with a recommendation will not be made public or re-distributed.
To be eligible for review, studies must:
- Be published or prepared in or after 1990;
- Be publicly available and published in journals or in reports prepared or commissioned by federal, state, tribal, or local government agencies or departments, private agencies or organizations, universities, research institutes, research firms, foundations or other funding entities, or other similar organizations;
- Be available in English;
- Use a randomized controlled trial (RCT) or quasi-experimental (QED) design with at least one intervention condition and one or more appropriate comparison conditions that utilize some form of control; and
- Measure and report program or service impacts on at least one eligible outcome (i.e., for all program or service areas: child safety, child permanency, child well-being, adult well-being. For kinship navigator programs only: access to services, referral to services, and satisfaction).
For more information about the Prevention Services Clearinghouse study eligibility criteria, see Section 4.1 of the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0.
What happens after you recommend a program?
- Recommendations are logged and information about the program or service area(s), recommending organization, and other details are recorded by Clearinghouse staff.
- Submitters receive acknowledgment of their submission's receipt, but the Prevention Services Clearinghouse is not able to inform individual submitters when the program or service may be prioritized for review. For more information on the review process timeline, see the fact sheet The Review Process: Navigating Timeline Challenges.
- The Programs and Services Recommended for Review list will be updated quarterly with one quarterly update coming within 60 days after the close of the annual public call.
- Clearinghouse staff then conduct an initial eligibility assessment of each program or service. Eligibility information is then used to prioritize and select programs for review as described in Section 2.2 of the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 2.0. Our goal has been, and remains, to review and rate as many services and programs as quickly as possible and within available resources, to support states’ efforts to improve outcomes for children and families through implementation of the Family First Prevention Services Act.
1 For a list of programs and services that have been reviewed by the Prevention Services Clearinghouse, visit the Programs and Services Reviewed page.