Parenting Now!™

Mental Health Does Not Currently Meet Criteria

Parenting Now!TM is an adaptation of Make Parenting a Pleasure® designed for any parents of children ages 06. The parenting program aims to help parents build healthy relationships with their children and to help families identify and pursue value-based goals for children to succeed and thrive. The Parenting Now! curriculum teaches child development and parenting skills. 


Parenting Educators deliver Parenting Now! to groups of parents in 7 sessions. The group format is essential to program delivery so that parents can connect with other parents, normalize their experience, and build a support network. During the sessions, Parenting Educators use discussion and activities to teach parents key concepts such as stress management, communication skills, foundations of discipline, positive discipline strategies, and strategies for addressing challenging behaviors. After each session, parents complete a “home practice assignment” intended to help them apply the knowledge and skills from the session in their own life.

Parenting Now! does not currently meet criteria to receive a rating because no studies met eligibility criteria for review.

Date Research Evidence Last Reviewed: Mar 2024


The following sources informed the program or service description, target population, and program or service delivery and implementation information: the program or service manual and the program or service developer’s website.

This information does not necessarily represent the views of the program or service developers. For more information on how this program or service was reviewed, visit the download the Handbook of Standards and Procedures, Version 1.0

Target Population

Parenting Now! is designed for any parents with children ages 06. 


Parenting Educators deliver Parenting Now! to groups of 1012 parents in 7 weekly 120-minute sessions. 

Location/Delivery Setting
Recommended Locations/Delivery Settings

Parenting Educators deliver Parenting Now! in community and school settings. 

Education, Certifications and Training

Parenting Now! does not have educational or training requirements for Parenting Educators. The Make Parenting a Pleasure program offers an optional virtual training applicable to Parenting Now! which includes two 2-hour sessions per day for 3 days. During the training, Parenting Educators learn about the curriculum, observe a sample session, practice portions of the curriculum, and discuss how to implement the curriculum. 

Program or Service Documentation
Book/Manual/Available documentation used for review

Saks, M., Rusch, J., & Poasa, K. (2001). Parenting Now!™ A group-based positive parenting curriculum. Birth To Three. 

Available languages

Parenting Now! materials are available in English.

Other supporting materials

Parenting Now! Training

Parenting Now! Sample Session

For More Information

Phone: (541) 484-5316


Note: The details on Dosage; Location; Education, Certifications, and Training; Other Supporting Materials; and For More Information sections above are provided to website users for informational purposes only. This information is not exhaustive and may be subject to change.

Results of Search and Review Number of Studies Identified and Reviewed for Parenting Now!™
Identified in Search 0
Eligible for Review 0
Rated High 0
Rated Moderate 0
Rated Low 0
Reviewed Only for Risk of Harm 0